Tuesday, 3 May 2016

#26 - In Canberra Hospital and suddenly lots of visitors!

Today Philip has felt a lot better physically. His pain has been under control and he has felt up to eating a reasonable amount of food, including half of a delicious quiche from Silo Bakery in Kingston.

He is digesting news delivered this morning in unambiguous language by his new oncologist, Dr Pulverenti, that the time for cancer treatment is over, and the time for palliative care has begun. The oncologist also told Philip clearly that she expects his remaining time will be very short. Philip knows he gave the cancer treatment his best shot, so there is nothing to wish he'd done differently there. Although the aggressive treatment phase is over, Philip is having five palliative radiation doses this week for his deteriorating spine to reduce future pain.

Today a number of good friends visited in the afternoon, which was lovely, and tomorrow and Thursday Philip's brother Graham, his sister-in-law Thelma, and niece Alison will be in Canberra to spend time with him. Then on Friday Philip's cousin Barrie and Barrie's daughter Catherine are also flying up from Victoria to see Philip. So it will be a busy time over the next few days.

In light of this, please hold off on visiting until the weekend or early next week, but Philip welcomes calls on his mobile at any time. We're trying to arrange for Philip to move to Clare Holland House, Canberra's palliative care facility, this coming Saturday, which would get Philip out of the clinical hospital environment. So if you do plan a visit, a phone call to Philip ahead to check his location and energy level is well advised.

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